Title by Pang Haoyu, Tsin Wang, Photos by Masayo Terabayashi
innovationTAMAECAL - a collaborative workshop by Tama Art University and ECAL (Lausanne University of Arts and Design)!
The exhibition “Constructive Posters of the 20th Century”, held until April 11, 2021 at the Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Museum, provided an occasion for Tama Art University and ECAL (Lausanne University of Arts and Design) to host TAMAECAL, a 3 days long collaborative workshop. We are pleased to share with you the outcome of the students' collaboration! The workshop was led by four prominent ECAL associated designers: Chi-Long Trieu & Chi-Binh Trieu from the Office for Typography, Nayoung Kim and Eliott Grunewald.
Day 1 (18 March, 2021) Modular Typeface Design
It often takes time to create a typeface, and the process is time-consuming. In this workshop, the participants were able to experience the creation of modular typefaces through an experimental approach to shape.
Instructor: Chi-Long & Chi-Binh Trieu
Both graduated from ECAL. Chi-Long is based in Switzerland as a lecturer of ECAL, while Chi-Binh is based in Osaka. They are very well-known for their multilingual design.
Participants:Pang Haoyu, Tsin Wang, Huang Lei, Nie Yahui, Roni Shvarts, Naguho Sekiya, Guo Sixian, Dang Han, Harumichi Nakamura, Zong Minghao
Day 2 (19 March, 2021) Armin Hofmann’s Fluid Matrix Devices
Play with Hofmann’s grid
Understand the Matrix
1 Shape = 1 Letter ??
Experiment with letterforms
Legibility / Illegibility
Draw letters with different scales
Design a Matrix for someone else
Instructor: Eliott Grunewald
Graduate of ECAL, based in Paris. Very well known for his project-driven and constructive display typeface design for multiple media.
Participants:Pang Haoyu, Tsin Wang, Huang Lei, Nie Yahui, Roni Shvarts, Li Ruhua, Guo Sixian, Naguho Sekiya, Harumichi Nakamura, Dang Han
Day 3 (20 March, 2021) Constructive Type
Participants were introduced to a constructive approach to making letterforms. They were encouraged to explore several different ways to build letterforms with a few given shapes on a given grid.
Instructor: Nayo Kim
Graduate of ECAL, based in Seoul. With her non-latin-alphabet-native background, she developed a multilingual and deconstructive typographic project for her graduation work.
Participants: Pang Haoyu, Tsin Wang, Huang Lei, Nie Yahui, Roni Shvarts, Guo Sixian, Naguho Sekiya, Dang Han, Daigo Kuramoto